The General Star Wars Thread (2024)

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EmperorGeode Not the Eye from A Galaxy far, far away Since: Oct, 2022 Relationship Status: On the prowl

Not the Eye

#39201: May 21st 2024 at 1:18:19 PM

The General Star Wars Thread (2)The General Star Wars Thread (3) I see. That’s so in character. The General Star Wars Thread (4)

The General Star Wars Thread (5) Really Threepio was Butt-Monkey comic relief even in TNH, so his treatment in ROS is far from new. I don’t say it makes it okay, just that as you said we shoudn’t shift the blame.

Avenger09 Since: May, 2014

#39202: May 21st 2024 at 1:22:32 PM

Also Jango's background involving Jedi being tricked, rather easily, into wiping out his clan, feels a tad like it was contrived to give him a personal reason for working against them, when the film itself seems to go with, he was on the clock.

I do love the game though, I've just grown a bit weary of how much Legends tended to hand out over elaborate explanations for literally everything.

The General Star Wars Thread (7)Not shift the blame, remember it's origin, and that in A New Hope Threepio had a couple wile moments, like convincing Lars to take R2 and tricking the Stormtroopers on the Death Star. Admittadly those were holdovers from an earlier draft of his character, but still, it wasn't until Empire that he started getting a rep as an accident prone fuss pot.

Edited by Avenger09 on May 21st 2024 at 9:30:50 AM

RedHunter543 Team Rocket Boss. Since: Jan, 2018 Relationship Status: Barbecuing

Team Rocket Boss.

#39203: May 21st 2024 at 1:23:39 PM

Do you mean over elaborate?

Because that does apply to Legends explanations, like Darth Vader's armor and how he eats.

I'll teach you a lesson about just how cruel the world can be. That's my job, as an adult.

theLibrarian Since: Jul, 2009

#39204: May 21st 2024 at 1:24:48 PM

Yeah, Threepio's biggest issue that makes people not like him is his contrarianism (especially when the group has no other choice but to do the thing he doesn't want to do), his Skewed Priorities, and his inability to read the room.

EmeraldSource Since: Jan, 2021

#39205: May 21st 2024 at 1:56:07 PM

3PO was always the one complaining, but he served as a fairly vital commentator on the plot of ANH that R2 couldn't be. TESB it felt like he was around because he was part of the cast now, but didn't have anything for him to do. ROTJ gave him a major part in his interactions with the Ewoks, both as translator and being worshipped by them, to the point he was more valuable than R2 in the Battle of Endor.

Truthfully both prequels and sequels kept both 3PO and R2 around because of tradition rather than being an important part of the cast. It's a fun idea to have long-lived "peasants" observing the exploits of the heroes but the story of ANH is kind of broken knowing 3PO and R2 have been through these adventures before.

Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils!

king15 Having Faun from not certain Since: Mar, 2024

Having Faun

#39206: May 21st 2024 at 2:01:32 PM

While it's a continuity snarl them being in the prequels (oh really Ben, you don't recognise R2? To be fair, it is in character for him to lie about that, I guess), I do think it helps their roles as a sort of plot-integrated Greek Chorus. They've been in all 9 main films, sometimes contributing, sometimes not, but the one constant in the events shown by the films are a whinging droid and a pesky little droid.

HamburgerTime Since: Apr, 2010

#39207: May 21st 2024 at 2:23:05 PM

I really liked Sabine apart from when she left that droid to die, though. For all of the Star Wars saga’s exploration of authoritarianism and resistance to it, I don’t believe we’ve ever had a dissident artist as a major character before her, and I very much enjoyed that aspect.

Luisdalas Since: Sep, 2023

#39208: May 21st 2024 at 5:35:34 PM

Sabine has always been emotional, to the point of being willing to go to another galaxy to find her foster brother, without having any real plan to return.

FrozenWolf2 Since: Mar, 2013

#39209: May 22nd 2024 at 8:02:05 AM


To be Fair though... Jango didn't even try to explain himself and his men's situation

He literally went "Shoot our way out"

So Yes Vizla did trick the Jedi into killing the supercommandos... But Jango ultimately is the one that started the fight to begin with.

Ookamikun This is going to be so much fun. (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

This is going to be so much fun.

#39210: May 22nd 2024 at 9:06:03 AM

I have no idea where to share this but this is the closest where it is relevant.

Four hours, but man it's an in-depth review of someone who went in the experience and went in every detail. Holy sh*t the room is so small for what you pay for.

KnownUnknown Since: Jan, 2001

#39211: May 22nd 2024 at 9:24:02 AM

On your point about reactions mirroring fandom stuff, I’d like to remind you that TROS has Maz give Chewie a medal in response to a joke in the fandom about him not getting a medal in ANH.

Yeah, that’s probably the trilogy’s best example. It comes out of nowhere, it has no real connection to anything else in the film, and it’s clearly only there because Chewie not getting a medal in ANH is a popular in-joke. And as a result, it’s extremely jarring.

But all of that bothers me less than what it illustrates about the rest of the writing. What the “Chewie never got a medal” joke is mostly speaking to is that for as prominent as Chewie is he could be more used by the plot, but he’s mostly treated as an afterthought. So the response to this is… to give Chewie a medal, but still treat him like an afterthought (the most TROS could think of to do with Chewie was pretend to kill him off for a half hour). They went though the motion of giving Chewie a medal rather than the action of making Chewie a stronger character.

So the whole moment isn’t just jarring, it also just comes off as insincere. It’s mugging for the camera in the place of substance, which is generally where to go when you write for references rather than story.

"The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense."- Tom Clancy, paraphrasing Mark Twain.

Ookamikun This is going to be so much fun. (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

This is going to be so much fun.

#39212: May 22nd 2024 at 9:29:33 AM

I didn't even remember they gave him a medal. It must be that terrible.

Patar136 Hero of the Winds from A Nice House on Outset Island Since: Oct, 2019 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'

Hero of the Winds

#39213: May 22nd 2024 at 10:17:31 AM

Chewie getting that medal is among the most tasteless and cynical things I have ever seen in my short little life.

As for Galactic Starcruiser, yeah I wanna watch that beast of a video. Love Jenny Nicholson's videos but my one complaint is that I wish she added music in the background. But that's what peaceful ambience is for.

As for the concept. yeah this whole Star Wars resort thing came across as something with a very uncertain audience. It's clearly very expensive but something that most Star Wars fans would probably find, I dunno, stale.

I discover my own destiny as I command the winds of life!

KnownUnknown Since: Jan, 2001

#39214: May 22nd 2024 at 10:26:21 AM

It’s crazy how they started out with an amazing idea and then managed to alienate everyone.

I feel like the “fans who want to spend a few days living in the Star Wars universe” and “rich people looking for an upscale, expensive and exclusive experience” demographics don’t have a super large amount of overlap.

They should’ve treated it more like a cruise: expensive, yes, but accessible and not so exclusive that it can’t be a good, average family vacation.

Edited by KnownUnknown on May 22nd 2024 at 10:28:00 AM

"The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense."- Tom Clancy, paraphrasing Mark Twain.

RedHunter543 Team Rocket Boss. Since: Jan, 2018 Relationship Status: Barbecuing

Team Rocket Boss.

#39215: May 22nd 2024 at 10:26:36 AM

The General Star Wars Thread (22)The General Star Wars Thread (23)The General Star Wars Thread (24)The General Star Wars Thread (25) It’s a waste because we’re seeing Chewie outlive all his friends

Edited by RedHunter543 on May 23rd 2024 at 1:26:53 AM

I'll teach you a lesson about just how cruel the world can be. That's my job, as an adult.

Luisdalas Since: Sep, 2023

#39216: May 22nd 2024 at 10:38:35 AM

A little off-topic, but Chewie dying in Legends always bothers me.

Basically because the rule of "the heroes of the original trilogy cannot be killed on-screen", did not apply with him.

Edited by Luisdalas on May 22nd 2024 at 10:39:23 AM

KnownUnknown Since: Jan, 2001

#39217: May 22nd 2024 at 10:44:01 AM

One thing you really find is that writers making continuations really love killing off previous characters for drama value. Fans often hate it, but writers keep doing it thinking the shock is worth it.

I genuinely believe the only thing keeping the OT cast from getting merc’d in Legends like they were in the ST is that Lucas put down a mandate explicitly telling the EU writers not to.

Edited by KnownUnknown on May 22nd 2024 at 10:46:29 AM

"The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense."- Tom Clancy, paraphrasing Mark Twain.

king15 Having Faun from not certain Since: Mar, 2024

Having Faun

#39218: May 22nd 2024 at 10:46:18 AM

Do we know what the plan for Leia was prior to Fisher's unfortunate passing? I think Leia's death was handled well all things considered, but it's obvious that's not how she was going to die, if she was going to die at all.

Edited by king15 on May 22nd 2024 at 5:47:05 PM

RedHunter543 Team Rocket Boss. Since: Jan, 2018 Relationship Status: Barbecuing

Team Rocket Boss.

#39219: May 22nd 2024 at 10:50:09 AM

The General Star Wars Thread (30) Well we know from the Duel of the Fates, she wasn't going to die.

She would encourage Rey to get together with Poe for some reason, and communicate with Ben so he would die redeemed like in the final film.

I'll teach you a lesson about just how cruel the world can be. That's my job, as an adult.

KnownUnknown Since: Jan, 2001

#39220: May 22nd 2024 at 10:52:05 AM

From the way they did it overall, I think the plan was to give each of the OT cast their own movie where they are at their most prominent, give lessons to Rey / the ST cast, are the major supporting character of the film, and the die in the dramatic conclusion. It’s how they did it for Luke and Han.

The General Star Wars Thread (32)’d The General Star Wars Thread (33) On the other hand, maybe I’m off base or they changed things up.

Edited by KnownUnknown on May 22nd 2024 at 10:53:02 AM

"The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense."- Tom Clancy, paraphrasing Mark Twain.

EmperorGeode Not the Eye from A Galaxy far, far away Since: Oct, 2022 Relationship Status: On the prowl

Not the Eye

#39221: May 22nd 2024 at 10:52:53 AM

It’s a waste because we’re seeing Chewie outlive all his friends

Well he is Wookie so sadly, he would have outlived them either way, if we assume they all get to die natural death from old age.

Patar136 Hero of the Winds from A Nice House on Outset Island Since: Oct, 2019 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'

Hero of the Winds

#39222: May 22nd 2024 at 11:33:42 AM

Galactic Starcruiser just had this strange feeling of trying to be the most expensive thing ever. They imagined themselves as Jurassic Park Gennaro imagined, with them charging massive prices per day with people supposedly paying it.

It gave the expectation that it was an out-of-this-world experience. Which, obviously it couldn't be.

They should have aimed to make this as fun as possible and just make it an epic mini theme park that doubled as a hotel. Instead, they made it an expensive hotel first and claimed it was for Star Wars fans, whom they believed the majority of were super rich and willing to pay for such a thing.

Once again, uncertain audience.

I discover my own destiny as I command the winds of life!

Freshwater Since: Apr, 2023

#39223: May 22nd 2024 at 11:44:35 AM

They probably shouldn't have built their "almost never leave the hotel and experience a fun Star Wars experience" right next to one of the biggest amusem*nt parks in the country that all ready has a ton of Star Wars based events, rides, stores, and activities. If nothing else, it's going to make Star Wars fans frustrated that they can't spend their time at all the other cool Star Wars stuff. It definitely doesn't help that you can't stay there for more than 2 days so you can't spend some days enjoying the hotel and some days at the park to get the experience most guests would want.

Regarding Chewie, it really does feel like they didn't know what to do with him after killing Han. Normally, this would set up a plot where Chewie brings Kylo to justice. But Kylo is the main villain and Rey's major foil, so that wasn't going to happen. Chewie also doesn't really spend time with the other main characters. They could have had him help out with the Casino plot but if they had him as muscle than thing probably would have turned out a lot better. Basically, they didn't really have a clear direction for his character which is a shame because like 3-CPO and R 2 D 2, Chewie has basically been around sense the prequels even if only as a cameo.

Edited by Freshwater on May 22nd 2024 at 11:46:28 AM

dcutter2 Since: Sep, 2013

#39224: May 22nd 2024 at 11:48:10 AM

... Does Chewie do anything in TLJ? I remember him going bonkers in TFA and getting blown up in ROS but nothing at all in between.

LoneCourier0 (Apprentice)

#39225: May 22nd 2024 at 11:52:25 AM

Eat porgs and fly the Millenium Falcon in the battle of Crait.


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The General Star Wars Thread (2024)
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