HER LIPS ON YOUR NECK ( I CAN'T UNSEE IT) - Chapter 8 - svperczrp (2024)

Chapter Text

Lena woke up to some chatter coming from outside her room; she wasn’t sure where exactly it was coming from, just that it was outside. It could’ve been in the sitting room, the hallways or the sitting room. It could’ve been anywhere but it was starting to frustrate her, she needed to sleep even though sunlight was leaking through her curtains. She twisted and turned in her bed, trying to force herself to go back to sleep seeing as she had no work to get to but it was like her mind was working against her. As if it knew that it was daytime and she had to be productive.

Reluctantly, Lena pulled the duvet off of her and slipped out of bed. She left the room she was staying in and started her morning routine in the bathroom. Once she was finished, she headed towards the sound as she rubbed her temple, trying to suppress the incoming headache that was bound to come her way after the last few days she had had. Locating the sound, she was greeted with Kara teaching her kids to make food in the kitchen. A smile tugged at her face while her eyes filled with love and affection. Kara really loved her kids and Lena couldn’t help but fall more in love with her. She knew she shouldn’t, that Kara was already taken but she couldn’t help it. She was the love of Lena’s life and she knew she could never find someone that she would love as much as she loved Kara.

After a few moments of soaking in the scene that laid in front of her, Lena decided to make her presence known as she pushed herself off the wall of the hallway and stepped towards the island of the kitchen. “Hey.” she weakly smiled at Kara and her kids.

“Hi Lena.” Kara smiled before continuing with mixing the contents of the batter.

A moment passed with the kids not saying anything and Kara had picked up on their hesitancy. Stopping her baking, Kara moved her attention to her kids that were standing either side of her. “Kids, why don’t we say hi to your Aunt Lena?” She lightly suggested, not wanting Lena to feel unwelcome in her home.

“Hi Aunt Lena.” Ava and Sal shyly greeted at the same time.

“Good!” Kara exclaimed, pride of her kids washing over her. “Why don’t you guys go and watch some tv and I’ll finish up the food and then we’ll give it to mommy.” She instructed, needing to relieve her kid’s nerves.

“Okay mommy!” Sal and Ava both said before they ran off to the living that was in front of the kitchen, far enough not to be in ear shot.

“They’re extremely shy in the morning.” Kara informed, a smile on her face as she continued the task at hand, her hand whisking the batter.

“Oh okay.” Lena nodded before her eyes fell to what Kara was doing, curiosity washed over her. “Wh- what are you making?”

“Pancakes.” Kara replied, her smile growing wider while her eyes sparkled with joy at the mention of food. “We wanted to surprise Revena with some breakfast in bed.”

Lena’s stomach burned with jealousy, she no longer hated Revena, she had never hated her, she just disliked her a little but now that was gone. Lena wanted so badly to be the one that Kara was surprising breakfast in bed with. She wanted to be with the one having this life with Kara and her kids. “O- oh um I’m sure she’ll love it.”

“Thank you Lena.” Kara beamed, her eyes twinkling with gratitude as she finished the batter and poured in some of it using a ladle to create a pancake in the pan that was already out on the stove.

“Of course Kara.” Lena lovingly smiled at Kara, her heart skipping beats at the gratitude that was written all over Kara’s face.

Once all the pancakes were piled onto the plate at the side of the stove, Kara nodded appreciatively at it as her eyes glistened in approval. It wasn’t burned. It had only taken her most of her life to achieve creating food without burning the house down or overcooking her food. She couldn’t help but feel pride wash over her and Lena also felt proud of her as well.

“Is that actual food?” Lena questioned incredulously, her eyes wide as her brows shot up to her hair. “I mean food that isn’t burned? Kara Danvers cooked food without burning anything or setting fire to the house?”

“First of all, yes I did make food without burning it. Second of all, I only burned some of the house once and when It did happen, I made sure to put it out with my freeze breath. When you came back, all the fire was gone, was it not?” Kara sighed as she stared down Lena, silently telling her to back down from a fight that she could not win.

Getting lost in the warmth of Kara’s blue eyes, Lena felt herself resigning as each second of the staring competition went on. She had no power against anything Kara related, she had been lowering her walls since she met Kara and she found herself learning to love and let others love. It was only because of Kara and her warmth as well as her guidance that she had been let out of the dark and loneliness of her life so whenever Kara would ask for something, she would give it within a heartbeat. Whenever Kara needed something, she gave it to her in a flash. Whenever she was swimming in Kara’s eyes, she would feel herself resigning to whatever the challenge or the request was. “Okay okay, you’re right darling.”

Kara’s eyes went wide as shock overtook her body. Even though this had happened before, she still found herself getting shocked every time it had happened because it had been ten years since she had been shown love from Lena, and it had been ten years and three months since Lena had cheated on her. It brought back many memories that Kara had kept locked away to keep herself sane.

Horror washed over Lena as she realised what she had just said. She had kept slipping up the past few days and she hated that it could get in between this new found friendship Kara had started with her. Kara had forgiven Lena for her past actions and now she was scared that she had screwed it up once again. Shaking her head at herself before looking up at Kara, Lena gave a pleading look. “Ka- kara I’m so so-”

Lena was cut off by a warm hand on her shoulder that could only belong to Kara, she moved her head from where Kara was standing to where she was now, standing still in front of Lena with an expression filled with love and care. “H- hey I told you it’s fine. Remember? I told you that It’s going to take you some time to adjust. So how about we come to an agreement?” she finished the last sentence with her tilting her head to the side. Once Lena eagerly nodded her head in agreement, Kara smiled before speaking up again. “Okay good. So how about….” Kara thought as she released her hand off of Lena’s shoulder and tapped her chin causing Lena to immediately miss the warmth that sat on her shoulder.“How about until you’ve adjusted, we will act as if the slip ups never happen once they happen. Okay?”

“Really?” Lena asked, her brows furrowing together as she tried to figure out if this was a genuine solution.

“Really.” Kara confirmed, smiling wide at Lena.

“Oh okay, thank you Kara.” Lena gratefully smiled, happiness washing over her that no matter how many times she slips up, nothing will get in the way of their new friendship.

“Of course.” Kara nodded, her face filled with love and care as it usually is for all of her friends, but lacking the usual love she had once had for Lena. “Um anyway, I should probably get these pancakes and the kids to Revena. Make yourself at home, you can watch some tv or do any other activity you feel like. I um…” she halted, uncertain on whether she should Lena the reason behind the next activity she was going to reveal to her. “We have a chess set on the balcony.”

“Oh okay thank you Kara I will.” Lena replied.

And with that Kara left with the food in hand as she beckoned the kids over. The kids ran from the living room, following their mother up the stairs to Kara’s and Revena’s bedroom. Ava had trouble getting up so Kara switched the plate to one hand and used her spare one to pick her up.

Opening the door, Kara was greeted with a view of Revena still asleep in bed. Her hair spread on the pillow, her eyes loosely closed and her body showing no signs of tension. She was relaxed and happy. As she began to stir, her hand searched the other side of her bed, wanting to feel the warmth of her wife beside her but feeling nothing but cold. Her eyes opened and her suspicions were confirmed. Her wife was not in bed.

“Good morning!” Kara smiled, still holding Ava at her hip while holding the tray in the other hand as she guided Sal forward.

“Morning my lovely family.” Revena groggily smiled back at the family that was now standing beside her bed, her eyes fell to the tray in Kara’s hand and curiosity filled her body. “What’s this?” she gestured to the tray as she propped herself up onto her bed, her head resting on the headboard.

“Breakfast in bed.” Kara replied, placing the tray in Revena’s lap. “Me and the kids made you pancakes, we wanted to surprise you.”

“Mm.” Revena hummed, happiness washing over her as the kids and Kara sat on the bed with her. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” Kara earnestly said before pressing her lips to Revena’s in a good morning kiss. Revena smiled into the kiss and when they broke apart, she dug into the food that her family had made her.

“Can we watch a movie as a family?” Sal asked, wanting to spend time with his sister and his two mothers.

Revena and Kara shared a look, not knowing how to break it to their kids that they can’t watch a movie with just them, that they would have to watch a movie with just them another time. Thankfully for Kara, Revena spoke up first, freeing her from having to disappoint the kids. Kids, if we want to watch a movie, we have to watch with the family that is staying with us, okay?”

Surprisingly to Kara and Revena but not unwelcome, the kids did not react badly. “Oh, can I sit with Aunt Alex?” Sal asked, grinning at the fact that he was finally able to spend time with the Aunt that Kara had spoken so highly about for so long.

“If that’s what you want.” Kara replied, trying to keep her bias out of the way so that she could make sure her kids were the priority.

“Yes.” Sal answered, nodding his head eagerly in confirmation.

“Okay, you can sit with your Aunt.” Kara replied, happiness washing over her as she turned to her youngest and tried to figure out what she was thinking. “What about you Ava?”

“I sit, Aunt Lena?” Ava asked, a hopeful expression on her face.

“Oh-” Kara replied, surprise flooding her face before she turned to Revena, checking her face, wanting to figure out if she was okay with it and when Revena nodded her confirmation, having already understood what Kara was asking her without vocalising anything. After getting her confirmation, Kara turned back to Ava. “If that’s what you want, princess then you can sit with Lena.”

Ava quickly nodded her response and grinned, happy that she was able to spend time with someone that was outside of their little family. After Revena finished her food, they all made their way out of the room and walked down the stairs. The sitting area was filled with a lot more people than when Kara last left. Instead of just Lena, there was also Alex, Kelly, Nia, Brainy and J’onn whereas Winn was still asleep. As they walked into the sitting room, Kara told everyone that they are welcome to eat whatever they want for breakfast. She listed the options, ranging from cereal to toast and many Kryptonian foods.

After everyone ate, they all made their way back to the sitting room where Kara was sitting with her kids at either side of her and Revena watching them with an adorning smile on her face, watching her family with so much love and happiness. Lena felt her heart panging in her chest as she made her way to sit away from them but then Ava stopped her and patted on her right side, where a free space was for her. A hesitant smile graced her face as she stood there, unsure of whether she should comply but then a frown appeared on Ava’s face when seconds had gone by and Lena wasn’t sitting beside her. Lena felt a pang of guilt flood her and that frown was all too familiar so she felt herself moving and sitting beside her. She really couldn’t deny anything Kara related.

The kids wanted to watch a movie so Revena suggested that they watch something and for at least half an hour they scrolled through movies to find something to watch. Eventually they settled on something and Lena found herself absorbing in every little detail about the Kryptonian movies that they watched throughout the day as Revena and Kara had no work today. Kara had taken some vacation days to spend time with her family which were to start the next day but today everyone has a break from work so they spent the day watching movies.

Hours went by with everyone cosying up on the couch as they spent their time on mindless kryptonian movies that either had them dying of laughter or crying tears of joy… It didn’t matter what emotions they were all working through; All that mattered was that they were all there forgetting their worries as they got lost in the other worlds of the movies. It all felt so familial to Lena or at least what a family should be like. At times there was some commentary on whatever happened in that time in the movie but they were rarely directed at her and Kara would try her hardest to try and include her like the perfect person she was. She still was boggled that Kara had still stood up for her after all that she had done but whenever she did, Lena would send a grateful smile her way.

Other than that, Ava had started a conversation with her while Sal was busy talking to the rest of his new family. Revena would also try to include Lena and Lena was so grateful for it but at the same time she was not. It was Impossible to hate her; not that she had taken back the mission to do so but she would always have a little bit of hatred. She couldn’t help it. Revena had everything that Lena had wanted, she had everything that Lena had before she went and screwed everything up.

Halfway through their sixth movie of the day? Lena wasn’t sure, she had lost track as she had wandered too far off into forgetting everything that happened and losing herself in the moment, a scene showed up that brought far too much nostalgia. A scene that reminded her of everything that she lost even more.

It started with the love interest sitting behind a table working on something behind her desk then the main character walked in with food and kissed them. After that though, Lena wasn’t sure what happened as she found a million different memories running rampant in her head.

Lena leaned against the side of her desk as she stared at the tv playing her trial as the news reporter quoted Lillain’s attorney. “Lillian Luthor’s defence attorney tried to downplay Lena Luthor’s testimony, characterising her statement as the angry rat of an estranged daughter.”

Lena clicked a button on her tv remote, effectively turning it off as hurt flooded her face. She just wanted to be seen as good and to not be associated with the Luthor name but it seemed that even if she goes against her own mother to do that, her work gets thrown down the drain.

She turned as the door opened behind her with her assistant and Kara stepping inside. Her mood immediately lightened upon seeing those blue eyes and golden locks as well as the glasses that sit firmly on her face. Lena stepped away from the side of her desk to lean against the front of it so that she was a little closer to Kara than she was from before.

Lena vented a little to Kara, telling her the opinions that National City had on her. As she told Kara the names people called her, Kara stood there in front of her and listened, only letting out a small noise of disgust at the insults. Lena then went on about how everyone was calling her for quotes and double checked if Kara was here for the same reason.

“No. No, I’m here as a friend.” Kara replied as Lena let her mouth tick upwards the tiniest bit as she rubbed her neck, staring at the floor. “I thought you could use some fried sugary goodness in your life.” She stated as she held up the paper bag that had the donuts up with wide eyes. "You eat donuts right?” She asked as Lena moved her attention from the floor to Kara.

Lena smiled with a tilted head as she pushed herself off her desk and moved closer to Kara to take the offered donuts from her hand. “Oh… Well..” She beamed as she looked Kara in the eye. “I am human.” She joked causing a little giggle to escape from Kara which Lena then followed along to.

Maybe she was a Luthor after all. She had hurt the love of her life more than once and now she only had a fragile friendship between them.

Lena was typing away at her tablet when Kara opened the door and poked her head in causing Lena to turn her attention away from her laptop to her door to see who was intruding while she worked.

“Knock, Knock.” Kara said with a smile as she stepped inside using her all access pass that Lena had given to her in their earlier years of friendship.

After noticing who it was, Lena slipped off her chair and rounded her desk with the largest smile covering her face. “Kara!” She exclaimed “God, I am so glad to see you!” She continued as Kara walked closer to her and pulled up a paper bag. “Wait, wait, wait, wait! Is that big belly burger?” Lena asked which earned herself a giggle from Kara as her nose scrunched up. “Ever told you you’re my favourite person?” Lena chuckled as she stepped further into Kara’s personal space and hugged her which Kara reciprocated with one hand as her other one was occupied with the paper bag.

“James said you’ve been working through your lunches.” Kara informed with a stern face as they both pulled away from the hug, not wanting it to linger for too long without it crossing the boundary between friends. “And dinners.”

“Oh god, I have.” Lena replied as she made her way over to her office couch that she and Kara had spent so many times before. She then went on to talk about what had kept her so busy recently.

The rest of the memories were similar except they were far closer memories than the others as they were when she and Kara were dating in the six months period after everything between them had gone to ashes. It would always start out the same as the other two memories but instead of greeting each other with just a hug, they would greet each other with a kiss and instead of the gap between them on the couch, they would try and be as close to each other as humanly or inhumanely as possible. The loving stares that were sent and received throughout the lunches. The largest smiles that sent butterflies throughout both of their stomachs. The hand holding while Kara tried to eat one handed. And the pouts when Kara begged for a bite of her food but Lena wouldn’t give them. Those pouts always made her cave, always sent her buckling. Always made her feel as if she had murdered a dog. Everytime, she would give in just so that she could make them disappear. Sometimes she would get creative and kiss them away and every time she did the conversation would be long forgotten.

Kara was Lena’s favourite person and as she looked over to where Kara was sitting to see if she was also as affected by the scene that had played out as she was, all she saw was Kara Revena cuddled up to Kara as she buried her head in Kara’s neck. She then looked around the room to see couples doing the same thing or something similar and it made everything tighten. The room was too small. The walls were too closed in.

Kara was Lena’s favourite person, always has been and always will be but for Kara… She may have been Kara’s favourite person at one point but now… Now that was taken by Kara’s wife. She was no longer Kara’s favourite. She had lost that right the day she cheated on her and all though Kara had moved on from that, that was what had set this all off. She was no longer the person that Kara cuddled up to at night in bed while they said their goodnight’s during their sleepover that they had. Was no longer the lips that Kara was kissing. She was no longer the person that Kara took on dates. She was no longer the person that Kara held hands with. She was no longer the person that would snuggle into Kara even further on the couch so that she remove any distance between them; So that she could meld into one with her. She was no longer the person that Kara would sing to while she created and failed (not anymore.) pancakes for them.

Her chest felt heavy and she felt sick to her stomach. She needed to go back to the friend, not even best friend anymore, that would have to pine over the love of her life behind curtains, would have to go back to hiding everything she felt for her. Everything that she used to do before she found out Kara was Supergirl, she would have to do again. Tears stung behind her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She needed to run to the bathroom and fix herself up. Abruptly standing up, Lena eyes zoned in on the bathroom door through teary eyes and ran for her life. She ignored the faint calls of worry from behind her, she couldn’t deal with their questions at the moment because she couldn’t exactly say ‘oh the love of my life is with someone else and I got so sick that I had to run out of there.’

No, that would be disastrous.

So instead she barged her way through the bathroom and shut the door, locking it from the inside before she curled over the toilet seat and let the nausea crawl its way up her throat and out of her mouth to be released into the toilet. Lena wasn’t sure how long had passed, how long it had been since she ran into the bathroom and sat down on the floor curled around the toilet seat letting out everything that needed to be let out. She had lost track of time, time was not existent while she threw up all of her jealousy and hurt. It could’ve been seconds, minutes or hours. Lena truly had no idea.

A loud incessant banging snapped Lena back to reality as she threw her head forwards over the toilet seat to let out even more vomit. The knocking wouldn’t stop but Lena didn’t have it in her to say anything and just waited for it to stop. It went on for a while before it eventually stopped and then there was silence.

The silence overwhelmed the space for a few moments before the person at the door spoke up.


Lena couldn’t form any coherent words or sentences so instead she just hummed out a “Hmm?”

“Are you okay?” They asked as they put their head to the door to get a better hearing of anything that Lena was saying.

“Fi- Fine.” Lena stammered out before she threw up again, trying her hardest to muffle the sound, to make it unheard.

“Are you sure?” They questioned with a suspicious tone, clearly not believing anything she was saying.

“Y- yes.” She replied, trying to hold back her vomit but not succeeding as she let it out again in the toilet.

“Lena, you're clearly not fine.” They insisted as they tried to open the door. The door rattled, not opening as Lena had locked it. “Lena, can you please unlock the door?” They gently requested as they tried to open it a little more.

Lena grumbled as she continued vomiting, refusing to open the door to let whoever was standing at the door in. She didn’t want to let anyone see her like this, to see her so vulnerable. She closed her eyes for a second as she tried to calm herself down but was quickly interrupted by the nausea making its way back up. She went back to let it all out as she ignored the existence of the person on the other side of the door.

“Lena, please can you open this door.” They slightly begged, not wanting to startle Lena by the other option they had. When they were greeted by silence, they shook their head as they took in a deep breath. “I’m going to bust this door down if you don’t open it.” Still they were greeted by silence. “Lee please.”

Lena felt somewhat of a flutter in her stomach at the nickname. She knew that all her friends called her that now, after the love of her life had started calling her that but she didn’t exactly have any friends now after what she did. Reluctantly, her hand moved to the lock and turned it, essentially unlocking it. She then felt the nausea come back and she moved her attention back to the toilet.

The person at the doorway immediately bolted in action and pulled Lena’s hair back, trying to hold it while Lena sorted herself out. They whispered soothing words as Lena threw everything up.

After a while, Lena finished throwing everything that she had up and she turned away from the toilet and rested against the wall of the restroom. The person that had been there comforting Lena sat next to her with a distance between them. They sat in silence for a bit while Lena came back to reality as her vision stopped blurring. Her cheeks felt wet but she didn’t think anything of it til the person next to her offered her a tissue and gestured to her cheeks. She accepted the tissue and wiped away her tears and then she examined the person next to her, wanting to know who was here comforting her.

Her jaw dropped a little at the person in front of her as her mind worked through the million thoughts running through. Once her mind sorted through everything, a smile graced her face. Her eyes filled with love and affection. “Kara?”

“Hey Lee.” Kara smiled weakly, concern etched all over her face. “Are you okay?”

“Ye- yeah.” Lena replied gratefully. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Kara asked, her brows furrowing together in confusion.

“Oh.. um.. For before.” Lena chuckled weakly, hinting at what she was grateful for as she was unable to talk about her being weak in a moment.

“Hmm?” Kara’s brows furrowed together even tighter in confusion before her brows shot up in realisation. “Oh!” She chuckled. “Of course. I’m here for you Lena, we’re friends now.”

Friends. Lena despised the word because she wanted to be so much more with Kara but she guessed she ruined her chances now so instead she’d be the supportive friend as she pined behind curtains for the rest of her life. “Y-yeah.”

A silence overwhelmed them as Kara didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to push Lena to say anything or do anything and Lena wasn’t sure what to do.

The silence became too overwhelming to Lena and she said the first thing that came to her head. The one that had been running through her head since they broke up. The one thing that had been running through her head since she had been without Kara in the first month without her. The one thing that had been running through her head since Kara left Earth to go to Argo. The one thing that had been running through her head through the three months that she had to go without Kara. The one thing that had been running through her head since they started making a portal to see Kara again. The one thing that had been running through her head since she arrived on Argo. The one thing that had been running through her head since she found out Kara was married with kids.

“I’ve missed you.” She said earnestly.

Kara looked her in the eye, searching for something that Lena didn’t know but it seemed that she found what it was as she gave a small smile. “I’ve missed you too Lee. It’s okay though. You’re here, I’m here.” She replied sincerely before hesitantly adding. “We’re here.”

Lena’s smile grew larger but then realisation hit her and it dimmed a little as she looked away from Kara and examined a spot on the floor. They were there but it just wasn’t in the way she wanted. She wanted them to be more but she couldn’t. She wanted to be Kara in the way that Revena was. It felt like too much but she had already thrown up everything that day to the point that there was nothing else to throw up.

Kara picked up on Lena’s change in mood as her brows furrowed together in confusion. “Lena?”

“Hmm?” Lena answered with a shaky voice as she tried her best to look up at Kara.

“What’s wrong?” Kara asked with genuine concern, making a move to touch her before she thought better of it, trying her best to not cross any boundaries.

Having caught the hesitant touch, Lena felt like her heart was ripping out of her chest and being stomped on but she pushed those feelings deep down as she tried her best to plaster on a smile. “N- nothing. I just feel a little sick, that's all.”

“Lena-” Kara started, wanting Lena to feel comfortable to tell her what was wrong. She needed to not fail Lena a second time like she did before when she didn’t make Lena feel comfortable enough to tell her before Lena cheated on her.

“Ka- Kara I promise you, I just feel under the weather, that’s all.” Lena interrupted, not wanting to talk about it, she couldn’t exactly tell her what was making her feel so unwell.

Kara clearly didn’t believe Lena but she didn’t want to push anything further. She didn’t want to force Lena to talk when she was clearly not ready to so instead she just smiled weakly before she stood up. “Come on then, Let’s get you to your room.”

“M- My R- Room?!” Lena spluttered, completely misunderstanding the situation.

“Well yes.” Kara nodded, oblivious to what Lena was interpreting. “You need rest when you’re not well.”

“O- oh. Yep.” Lena gulped as she stood up and made her way to the door.

Kara noticed the forced words and grabbed Lena’s wrist to stop her. “Are you sure you’re okay? I mean other than being ill. You sure you’re okay? You can tell me Lena, I’m your friend and friends help each other.”

“It’s nothing, I promise. Like I said, I just feel a little under the weather.” Lena lied, needing Kara to drop the subject.

“Okay but-” Kara sighed. “If you ever need to talk to me, I’m here for you. I was here for you when we were together and I’m here now. That’s never changed. I’m here for my friends.”

“I-” Lena started but then gulped. Kara had no idea how much that meant to her and she had no idea how to show how grateful she was without crossing any lines so instead she just said. “Thank you, that means a lot Kara.”

“Of course!” Kara smiled. “Now let’s get out of this bathroom and get you rested on your bed.”

Lena nodded before opening the door and then walked out with Kara by her side. They walked down the hallway and then Kara abruptly stopped at the sitting room, turning to Lena hinting that she was going to be back and to stay there. Lena nodded but then as Kara walked away to Revena, talking to her and explaining what was happening before lowering down to press a kiss to her lips, Lena sighed. This hurt so much but she needed to soldier through it. It was much better than the four months she had endured without Kara.

After Kara and Revena pulled away, Kara gave her a peck on the cheek before promising that she’d be back and then walked over to Lena. “Come on, let’s get you rested up.” She smiled before walking towards Lena’s bedroom with Lena following behind.

Lena was already in her pyjamas that Kara had insisted that she wear because ‘being ill means resting in your pjs.’ She was resting in her bed waiting for Kara to come back as she promised she’d come back with a kryptonian version of soup. She laid on the bed as her mind replayed, maybe overplayed the affection Kara had been showing her today and affection shown her way from Kara since she arrived at Argo.

Kara was her friend again

Kara never stopped caring about her.

Kara was there to comfort her while she was having a little breakdown which Lena played off as being ill.

Kara was genuinely concerned for her.

Her mind stayed fixed on those facts, never once straying away from them as a smile graced her face. She had told Kara that she was fine and had fought off her trying to care for her but then she relented when Kara said she was not leaving, no matter what she did or said. Her hopes of getting with Kara again went higher but then she reminded herself that not only was Kara married but she had kids and interfering with anything would hurt Kara’s kids and that wouldn’t be fair to them. Not just that but marriage in kryptonese was a life affair, it was illegal to get a divorce and so Kara could never be with Lena again.

Before she could get too far in her own wallowing there was a knock at the door before it opened with Kara holding a tray in her hands. She then walked into Lena’s bedroom with a small smile on her face as she made her way closer to Lena. As she arrived next to her on the side of the bed, she gestured for Lena to sit up which Lena obeyed immediately and placed the tray onto Lena’s lap. “Here you go, some soup for you.”

“Thank you Kara but I promise you I’m okay, I don’t need you to look after me. I’m sure you have a lot to do. I don’t want to get in the way of you catching up with the Superfriends.” Lena said as stared at the duvet, pulling at a thread on her pyjamas.

“Lena, no one throws up when they’re okay. I’m here for you and I’m going to be spending time with them as well. Just because I’m spending time with my family doesn't mean I can’t take care of a friend.” Kara assured as she sent a smile to confirm that she was okay with being there for her. “So let me take care of you because I know that you don’t exactly have anyone here to do that.” She continued as she sat at the end of the bed. When she got a hesitant nod from Lena, she gestured to the soup that was on Lena’s lap. “Good, so can you please eat some food.”

“Okay.” Lena smiled as she took a spoonful of soup and ate some. “Mm, this is so good, did you make it?”

“Yes, I made it with Revena. It’s an old Kryptonian recipe.” Kara beamed, pride and happiness washing over her face. She really loved how her life was with Revena.

“O- oh, well…” Lena gulped, trying her hardest to bottle up her emotions as she processed the new information. “Can you thank her for me?”

“Of course I can, Lena.” Kara promised as she got up and moved closer to Lena to comfortingly squeeze her shoulder. “You just focus on getting better.”

“Thank you Kara.” Lena croaked out, her stomach dancing with butterflies and her eyes filling with love at the comfort she was receiving. Her whole body was warm from the touch and when Kara removed her hand, her whole body died down. “A- Are you staying here or-”

“Oh um I was actually going to stay here while you eat but then I was going to take the dishes from you once you were done and then I was going to stay out there for a while.” Kara informed with a comforting smile. “Is that okay with you?”

“Y- yeah. O- of course it is.” Lena lied, wanting Kara to stay here the whole time but knowing she can’t now. Not now that she was married, she had to spend time with her family too.

“You sure?” Kara checked, needing to make sure she wasn’t leaving Lena in a time of need.

“Mhm.” Lena hummed, nodding her confirmation.

“Okay then…” Kara replied, knowing something was off with Lena but not wanting to push it when she clearly didn’t want to talk right now. “Why don’t we watch something, hmm?” She suggested as she gestured to the tv that was up on the wall. When Lena nodded her confirmation, Kara nodded back and then walked to the other side of the bed.

“Wh- what are you doing?” Lena squeaked out as Kara stopped at the other side, readying herself to sit.

“Um… sitting down?” Kara replied with furrowed brows, confused as to why Lena was puzzled.

“Um.. I know that but are you sure?” Lena gulped, needing to make sure they were not crossing any boundaries between them even if she would love to cuddle up to Kara as they watched a film.

“Mhm.” Kara hummed as she scanned Lena’s face for any clues to see if she were really okay. “Unless you don’t want to?”

“What? No I do!” Lena exclaimed, not wanting to pass up an opportunity to cosy up to Kara, she hadn’t had that contact in four months and three days so she’d regret passing that up. “I mean… I’d love that.” She said in a more composed tone.

“Okay.” Kara nodded as she sat down on the bed causing Lena to look at her shyly as she moved closer to her. Once Kara was fully situated, Lena started moving impossibly closer so that she could cuddle up to her but was abruptly stopped by a hand on her shoulder. “Lena? Wh- what are you doing?”

“Hmm?” Lena hummed sweetly before realising the hand on her shoulder that was stopping her from cuddling up to Kara and realising the tone in Kara’s voice. It wasn’t accusatory. No, it was more puzzled as to what she was doing. “C- cuddling? Is th- that not what we’re doing?” She asked with genuine confusion.

“Um… No.” Kara replied as she shook her head which caused Lena to be even more confused because isn’t that what Kara offered? “We were just going to sit down together and watch a movie…”

Lena’s eyes then grew ten sizes and her expression turned mortified. She had just tried to cuddle up with someone’s wife. “Ka- Kara I’m so sorry.”

“Lena- remember what we said?” Kara questioned, hoping it would jog Lena’s memory.

“About pretending the slips never happen until I’ve adjusted to how everything is now?” Lena replied with a questioning tone, needing to know if she got it right. When Kara nodded in confirmation, Lena let out a breath in relief but there were still some questions she needed to ask. “Bu- but what about Revena? Won’t she get annoyed?”

“Hmm?” Kara questioned with furrowed brows. “No. She’s the one who suggested the arrangement, she knows it's going to be an adjustment for you.”

“She- she did?” Lena asked with disbelief in her tone. How was she supposed to hate Revena now? Revena was so kind to Kara and had extended that kindness to Lena too. She was the kindest person for Kara and Kara deserved someone like her.

“Mhm.” Kara replied as she looked back over to the tv then at Lena again. When she saw the expression on Lena’s face, she knew she needed to reassure her that everything is fine. “Lena, I promise you It’s okay. As you take your time to adjust to everything, we can pretend they never happen. I promise.”

“Okay, Thank you.” Lena plastered on a smile. She wanted to feel better but there were two things that would make her feel better at the moment. A hug and a kiss and she knew that the second option was out of the question so she’d settle on the first thing. “Can I ask you for something?”

“Of course, go ahead.” Kara vowed as she gave a comforting smile to Lena.

“You can one hundred percent say no if you don’t feel comfortable in our friendship yet. I’m not forcing you but um…” Lena gulped as she tried to compose herself to ask what she wanted. “Can I have a hug? Like I said, you don’t have to but I just mi- Oomph!”

Lena was cut off by Kara moving closer and hugging her. She smiled as she refrained herself from nuzzling her face closer into Kara’s neck and smelling her sweet vanilla scent that she loved so much. She revelled in the feeling of Kara holding her again and she felt tears of joy begging to be let out. She had never felt so high on happiness before. Actually that was a lie, everytime Kara had kissed her when they were together she had but it had been four months and three days (Ten years, four months and three days for Kara) since she had been able to do that and this was the happiest she had been since then.

The hug ended much sooner than Lena would’ve liked but she supposed that was how long friendly hugs lasted. It was only for around five seconds but they were the best five seconds she had had since everything went downhill.

“I hug my friends, Lena.” Kara promised. “We can still hug.”

Lena didn’t trust herself to say anything at that moment so instead she just weakly nodded instead.

“Okay so why don’t we watch something now.” Kara smiled. “Without the cuddling.” She joked.

They both laughed like idiots and then when the laughter died down, Lena nodded her confirmation while Kara reached for the remote and they both picked something to watch.

HER LIPS ON YOUR NECK ( I CAN'T UNSEE IT) - Chapter 8 - svperczrp (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.