王の獣 4 [Ou no Kemono 4] (The King's Beast, #4) (2024)

Victoria ♡

1,044 reviews98 followers

March 8, 2022

Volume 5 needs to hurry up already it’s getting more interesting every volume !


Yub Yub Commander

385 reviews38 followers

December 2, 2021

The plot thickens.

I've been on the fence a bit with this series, but volume four was a solid read. While the last two books have been very shojo fluff (nothing wrong with that at all), this story mixed in more of the political and social intrigue that volume one had. The story was good with fluff to balance out the more serious tons. There's still a heavy influence on the romance, but it feels like the plot is picking up more to tackle the xenophobia in the story's world, as well as the political tension between all of the Emperor's sons.


Jasmine (bokugglor)

609 reviews77 followers

December 25, 2022


    manga read-in-2022


2,172 reviews187 followers

November 8, 2021

Her suspicions over the attempt on Tenyou’s life having settled on the third prince, Kougai, Rangetsu’s investigations reveal some surprising truths about her suspect. A violent bit of sport leads to another very intense competition, where it’s all fun and games until somebody loses something valuable to them…

If you want a book with a bit of nuance to it, you could do much worse than this delightful little series as it continues to mix courtly intrigue with simmering passions and all sorts of deliciousness.

The biggest through line in this volume is the third prince and his plotting and motivations. We see this initially during the sporting tournament, where he is a little obvious in his intention but the ‘why’ remains unclear (and there’s a bizarre throwaway joke about character merchandise).

The tournament is fun and its presentation and results are stellar in that just enough of it is on the page and it doesn’t simply give up the easy win for our heroes. It’s an easy trap to fall into, having your protagonists succeed without effort, but the author deftly settles on something that works far better.

This all turns out to have a more far-reaching effect on things and when Rangetsu starts to dig a little deeper she finds out the prince’s true nature and Kougai is not the obvious suspect he first seemed.

There’s a nice declaration of public versus private personas here and how Kougai’s actual goal is to see Tenyou throw himself properly into something. Which ends up with Rangetsu as the prize in a combination board game plus archery competition plus drinking game.

This section makes the book, honestly, as it not only shows that the sporting event had deeper repercussions than expected, but really lets the two princes act as proper family for a change and cut loose during a silly bit of sport between two people who normally would be at one another with their hackles up.

Everything in this series tends to be wound so tight that the feeling of release here is palpable. There’s some great art that expresses the familial aspect to a wonderful degree. Which is why the final twist of the knife is so shocking and shows that nobody here should be taken at face value.

Even the softening of Rangetsu is addressed, as she realizes that she’s falling for Tenyou in a very bad way. It’s ironic that her losing part of her edge and falling in love would make her even more dangerous (and endangered) because of how hated beast folk who gain status in the court have been.

Of course, there is a sharp reminder of her place in society at the end, courtesy of Tenyou’s miserable sister, that causes her to attempt to distance herself from Tenyou. It will probably go as well as we expect, but at least she remembers that this isn’t a safe space.

5 stars - I love this series so much and the baseline atmosphere of scheming and danger that just oozes off its pages. It feels like an epic story through and through; a pure delight of a read.


274 reviews36 followers

November 28, 2022

In this 4th installment of The King’s Beast, the plot thickens around the mysterious third prince and Rangetsu grapples with her growing feelings for Prince Tenyou. I found this volume to be more interesting than the previous two as the poorly conceived, budding romance mostly takes a backseat. The plot of this volume revolves more around the third prince, Kougai, and Rangetsu trying to figure out the kind of man that he is. What is Kougai plotting and what role may he have taken in her brother’s untimely death?

Rangetsu’s character throughout this story has waffled a bit. Sometimes she’s calculating and clever, but other times she seems a bit helpless. I wish there was more consistency to her character, and her interest in Tenyou just seems so forced and frankly, unbelievable. Given the world-building, I just can’t imagine what she sees in someone like him. I personally don’t ship these two characters, and I think that the story overall would be greatly improved had this story not been a romance.

That being said I’m still really interested in the more mysterious aspects of the story. I want to know which one of these princes is destined for the throne, which one killed Rangestu’s brother, and whether or not Tenyou will betray her. These plot points and the lovely art style are what keep me entertained and reading.

If you're interested in supporting my reviews, you can pick up a copy of The King’s Beast vol 4 using my affiliate link.
王の獣 4 [Ou no Kemono 4] (The King's Beast, #4) (6)[image error]


323 reviews19 followers

December 22, 2021

5/5 stars

This is definitely my favorite volume so far! These volumes go by so fast!

Nothing major happens in this volume, but I still found it amusing. I enjoyed learning more about some of the characters! It might be considered a filler volume, but I thought it was well-done! I think it did a great job setting up for more important events in future volumes.

There was a new character introduced that I can't stand already, but it's not enough to affect my overall opinion of the series! I think these upcoming volumes are going to get pretty interesting!

Content: some violence


Author5 books77 followers

December 19, 2021

Better than previous volumes. The artwork is seriously beautiful. Some of the detail in Rangetsu’s eyelashes, oh wow! – 5 points for the incest joke. Mangakas, no one wants that. Thank you.



843 reviews52 followers

October 29, 2022

Plot - 4.5 ⭐
Character - 4.5 ⭐
Writing Style - 4.5 ⭐
World Building - 4.5 ⭐
Art - 4.8 ⭐
Cover - 4.8 ⭐

Overall - 4.6 ⭐



2,708 reviews62 followers

December 18, 2022





Kayla Brunson

1,485 reviews265 followers

December 14, 2023

I really need the prince to find out that Rangetsu is a woman. I'm still enjoying the story; I'm just wondering how long does the author plan on drawing this out.

    manga read-in-2023

☁️ Gabriella

125 reviews

February 18, 2024

Admittedly, this volume was actually really interesting, and I enjoyed reading it. Specifically, the way we are learning about the characters, the introduction of princess Ririn.

The emotions between Rangetsu and Prince Tenyou are building! Eep.

I'm not sure if I will pick up any further volumes!


Dragons*☆4Ever ༊࿐•͙͙✩•͙┄

892 reviews18 followers

November 13, 2022

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝 ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸
4.5 Stars
Rangetsu believes that it is none other than the third prince, Kougai, who had intentions of humiliating Tenyou. When a competition between the brothers turns brutal and Rangetsu gets hit more than necessary, Tenyou is bitter. Rangetsu is determined on finding the truth, and Kougai is determined to bring his brother down. A wager between the two becomes a battle of stakes, with Rangetsu as the prize.

*Thinks about this series🤔
*organizes thoughts🤗
I am repeating myself with every book review of these volumes, but they are absolutely intriguing. Immersive, atmospheric, and filled with action, this series is conducive to making you fall in love with manga. I find myself introducing this to every reader I meet. Tenyou is the sweetest love interest. So kind and caring, and I love how he cares for Rangetsu. Although the two have a very strong relationship and aren't lovers yet (judging by the covers in the other books. . . that intimidates me, especially book six-I mean what's going on THERE🤔?)

This is a true story. I got hacked by going on an illegal website trying to find out when Tenyou realizes Rangetsu's really a woman. It was worth it! I got early access to some interesting scenes with tension. . . but well, I got a virus on my computer. It was worth it for this series although I never actually got to see the scene🥲.

Rangetsu is an Ajin who owns her rights. She is fierce and brave. I love how Rangetsu is out-spoken but also has the right amount of self-control. Rangetsu's struggle with trusting Tenyou never felt ridiculous or repetitive. It made sense and was done in a relatable and reasonable way. The third prince is mysterious, and his character was intriguing, setting aside the confusion I have about looking at book six's cover?

I love the aesthetic of the art, the flowers, and beautiful costume design, buildings and scenery. The introduction of Kougai's sister, I enjoyed seeing their back-and-forth arguing AKA sibling relationship. Kougai's sister herself is just . . . the way she treated Rangetsu? Nah, I don't like her.

During stressful times, even if I didn't book two, I would flip ahead through these books because they bring me happiness! I hope I receive book five, six, seven, and eight from the library soon.


944 reviews16 followers

October 5, 2021

Thank you, VIZ Media, Shojo Beat NetGalley, for allowing me to read this volume all in exchange for my honest thoughts! I am continuing this series!

So I have had the opportunity to read each volume of this series, and I think it is a great series. It switches between getting the backstory of the princes and their beasts and the goal to be emperor. I only dislike that we are going further away from Rangetsu’s revenge and justice for her brother, as it hasn't been mentioned in a little, but I do know we are getting to that as it is all connected.
Also, I am so happy they shut down that weird and uncomfy statement the half-sister said because I CANNOT DO ANOTHER INCEST TROPE; high school me is still scarred from Vampire Knight.

I still do not know who I like Rangetsu with, but I think the Prince is good!


169 reviews2 followers

December 12, 2021

*I received an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Vol 4 of the Kings Beast by Rei Toma is another excellent addition to the series. Im really Glad we’re getting to learn more about the world, the characters, but also getting some action scenes in.

It’s really getting juicy now. Things are really starting to build up and I'm so excited. I hope all this world building is worth it. But I’m pretty sure it will be.

I love Rangetsu. They’re such a fun but awesome character. I need to see more of their badass-ery please!

The art continues to be amazing. The action scenes are still kind of confusing, but I think I’m just dumb. The world building in character development is great. I really can’t wait for more.

Sobbin’ Scenes

156 reviews4 followers


March 6, 2022

It's great to see Taihaku look out for Rangetsu even though his initial reason for keeping her secret was solely out of fear. Development!

Also, seeing the third prince Kougai do a whole 180 personality switch once he realizes he has an audience... that was funny. I'd love to see more of him and his beast servant, they seem to have a fun dynamic.

We also met the young princess! Who sparks a bit of envy? In Rangetsu? At least in terms of femininity, Rangetsu seems a little wistful of her appearance. As well later on, Rangetsu begins to realize she may have some feelings for a certain someone.


ℂ ✧

1,757 reviews

May 8, 2023

In crescendo de sentiments entre la Rangetsu i el quart príncep a la vegada que la rivalitat amb el tercer príncep, que amaga la seva personalitat real, es va fent cada cop més palesa... primer partidillo com a prova per saber qui serà el proper emperador i després disputa entre germans per la Rangetsu. Els protes dissimulen fatal els seus sentiments: l'un dient-li cute tot el dia a l'ajin i l'altra fotent unes cares d'enamorada que fan sospitar a tot cristo... A més, apareix el personatge de la Ririn, germana petita dels prínceps i que fa una mala espina increïble. Per fi el ritme i la trama es fan més trepidants! :)

    2023 manga-còmic-graf

The Book Dragon

2,136 reviews33 followers

December 20, 2021

Rangetsu gets up close and personal with the 3rd prince, Kougai (the one who almost caught her in the bath) and finds out that he's not all he seems to be. Personally, I can't tell if I love him or hate him.

Meanwhile Rangetsu gets a stark reminder that she's an Ajin, lesser than a human, and gets confused as to whether her feelings are respect, love, or straight up irreverent treason. And I've never wanted to slap a bitch more.

    ongoing-manga-series owned-manga


441 reviews40 followers

April 19, 2023

The third Prince finds out that Rangetsu is the key to properly compete against Tenyou and requests him as often as he can,to Tenyou's chagrin.

The third Prince challenges Prince Tenyou for ownership of Rangetsu,and Tenyou uses his wit to not only keep Rangetsu but also acquire a valuable asset from the other man.

Princess Ririn has a birthday party and Rangetsu is brutally reminded of her place in the world and that whatever feelings she is developing for Tenyou will never be fulfilled.


1,467 reviews

September 24, 2023

Rangetsu continues to draw the interest of the other princes and their beast servants, though it seems this new princess doesn't have a high opinion of Ajin. Tenyou shows more than a bit of cleverness as he fights for Rangetsu in his own way - which does not seem to be helping her growing confusion and changing emotions. Likely none of this is helped by Tenyou's increasing insistence on calling Rangetsu cute, no matter how accurate the assessment may be at times.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Selena Flamariel Bambozzi

33 reviews

January 22, 2024

Kogai, fratello maggiore di Tenyo, altro non vuole che provocare una qualsiasi reazione nel fratello, e per farlo si serve di Rangetsu. Ma Tenyo non casca nella trappola e riesce, grazie ad un gioco da lui reinventato, a dimostrargli di che pasta è fatto. Nel frattempo, Rangetsu si rende conto di aver scordato di essere solo un "servo bestia" grazie all'alterigia della principessa, che le fa notare appunto qual è il suo posto...



336 reviews

October 3, 2022

Third Prince Kougai is very interesting. I love his two personas. He is quite childish in private but he pretends to be cold in public. He wants to know what makes everyone tick and forces his younger brother to step up by trying to take Rangetsu from him. The competition between Kougai and Tenyou was clever. Tenyou created a fun challenge with serious consequences.


74 reviews1 follower

February 28, 2023

In volume 4 Rangetsu suspects that the third prince Kougai was the one who tried to poison the tea at the last banquet. The third prince challenges prince Tenyou to a competition requesting that if Tenyou lost he would give up his beast servant, Rangestu. We also get to meet the Princess, Ririn. I am not a fan of her but we’ll see what she makes of herself.


961 reviews57 followers

November 21, 2023

Este tomo es mi favorito hasta la fecha. Me ha encantado la aparición del tercer príncipe Kôgai además que es el nuevo Crush supremo y lo shipeo con su bestia aunque no me den el ship me da igual. Me ha encantado cómo Tenyô ha sacado las garras y ha luchado por Rangetsu. Además de que Rangetsu cada vez es más consciente de lo que siente por el príncipe.

Lee la reseña completa aquí: https://unabibliotecaentremundos.blog...


1,111 reviews28 followers

October 18, 2021

The competition between the Third and Fourth Princes intensifies. The Third Prince seeks to make the Fourth Prince more serious about the battle for the crown. They also fight over Rangetsu. #TheKingsBeastVol4 #NetGalley

    arcs fantasy giveaways


393 reviews3 followers

November 7, 2021

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher I was able to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Volume 4 of The King’s Beast finds Rangetsu looking into the third prince, Kougai, as potential suspect for who wants Tenyou out of the running for emperor. This part of the competition was a sport played between the princes with teams made up of their respective Ajin and other players. The end of the book also saw the introduction of Princess Ririn, celebrating her 16th birthday and getting all the prince’s, her brothers, to come and celebrate, as well as a reminder that while Tenyou is a far different person to Rangetsu, and the Ajin in general, there are people out there that aren’t.
Compared to the last volume this one was a bit slower and while the intrigue was still there it took a bit of a back seat.
Still an interesting series that I plan on sticking with.


144 reviews22 followers

December 17, 2021

AHHHHH FEELINGS ARE HAPPENING! I’m so happy to be seeing the progression of their relationship starting! I’m also loving all of the princes and really confused on who is the bad guy now! Maybe sister 🤔. As always, the artwork is stunning and I can’t wait for the next volume!


89 reviews

February 28, 2022

Finally the stakes seem to be getting higher. It was an interesting episode. I like the third prince a lot too. I think his private persona vs his public persona is an interesting depth. And Rangetsu freezing from shock was hilarious. I'm also curious about Boku

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


146 reviews

March 27, 2022

This latest volume continues Rangetsu and Prince Tenyou's quest to find who killed her brother. While the two are drawn deeper into court politics during their quest, Rangetsu continues to hide her true identity while fighting against her deepening feelings for Prince Tenyou.

Bee (BacchusVines)

2,128 reviews12 followers

July 1, 2022

I enjoyed this volume! Each time Rangetsu gets excited over the Prince, but tries to play aloof. Man, the last chapter really was a reminder of how Ajins are treated in the palace. I feel so bad for the emotional riot in Rangetsu.

Looking forward to the next volume!

    2022-challenge fantasy historical-fantasy
王の獣 4 [Ou no Kemono 4] (The King's Beast, #4) (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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