2024 Federal Solar Tax Credit Guide | Solar Tax Credit Calculator (2024)

Key takeaways

  • The Residential Clean Energy Credit is a dollar-for-dollar income tax credit equal to 30% of solar installation costs.

  • An average $20,000 solar system is eligible for a solar tax credit of $6,000.

  • The Inflation Reduction Act extended the federal solar tax credit until 2035.

  • To qualify for the federal solar tax credit, you must own the solar panels, have taxable income, and it must be installed at your primary or secondary residence.

  • Eligible equipment for the federal tax credit includes photovoltaic solar installations, battery storage, solar water heaters, geothermal pumps, fuel cells, and wind turbines.

Disclaimer: SolarReviews does not provide tax or accounting advice. This has been prepared for informational purposes only. Please consult a tax professional.

Calculate how much the solar federal tax credit will save you

What is the solar tax credit?

The Residential Clean Energy Credit, often called the federal solar tax credit, is an incentive you can earn when installing solar panels or other clean energy equipment on your property. The tax credit equals 30% of installation costs and can reduce what you owe in federal income taxes by thousands of dollars.

“It’s one of the best tax credits that is widely available to all taxpayers,” says Joseph Kleczynski, CPA, a Tax Manager at Petrucelli, Piotrowski & Co. Inc. “The reduced energy bills coupled with the immediate tax credit should help homeowners with the initial cost of purchase and installation.”

How does the 2024 federal solar tax credit work?

The solar tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of what you owe in federal income taxes. So, if you owed $15,000 in income taxes and earned a $6,000 solar tax credit, your tax liability would drop to $9,000.

Will the tax credit increase my tax refund?

You may see a higher tax refund when you claim the federal solar tax credit, depending on what you owe and what you withheld for the year.

The tax credit reduces what you owe for the year. So, if you already withheld enough money from your paychecks to cover what you owe, you would earn whatever refund you were already going to get, plus the tax credit value.

Kleczynski provided SolarReviews with an example to illustrate how the solar tax credit could impact a refund:

“Let’s say you spent $20,000 on solar; the tax credit is $6,000. If you owed $20,000 in taxes but withheld $25,000 throughout the year on your paychecks, your refund would be $11,000: $6,000 from the federal tax credit and $5,000 from the income taxes.”

However, you won’t always get the tax credit back in your refund check. If you didn’t withhold enough money throughout the year to cover your liability, the tax credit will simply lower what you owe.

What if my tax liability is lower than my tax credit value?

The Residential Clean Energy Credit is nonrefundable, meaning it can’t reduce your full tax liability to less than $0.

If what you owe in taxes is lower than the value of your solar tax credit, your tax liability will be $0. But that doesn’t mean you lose the rest of the tax credit value! The remainder of your credit can roll over and reduce what you owe the following year.

For example, if your solar tax credit was worth $6,000, but you only had $5,000 in tax liability, you would owe $0 in federal income taxes. The remaining $1,000 would roll over and reduce what you owe the following year.

This might seem like a lot to keep track of, but don’t worry. Once the tax credit is applied to your taxes, there will be a record of how much is available to carry over. Most tax software will automatically roll the amount over for you the next time you file. Your return will also include a schedule showing the amount used and what will be carried over to show your tax preparer.

How much is the federal solar tax credit worth?

The solar tax credit equals 30% of solar installation costs in 2024. The average solar installation costs around $20,000, and the typical tax credit value is about $6,000.

The total value of the solar tax credit will depend on the solar installation cost. The following table outlines estimated tax credit values for solar installations of various sizes based on the average cost of solar:

System size

Average tax credit value

4 kW


6 kW


8 kW


10 kW


12 kW


14 kW


Does the solar tax credit expire?

2024 Federal Solar Tax Credit Guide | Solar Tax Credit Calculator (1)

Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, the 30% tax credit was and is now available until 2032. In 2033, the value drops to 26%. In 2034, it falls again to 22% before expiring in 2035.

Who qualifies for the federal solar tax credit?

Does qualify

Doesn’t qualify

Installations on primary or secondary residences, including houseboats, mobile homes, and condominiums

Installations on rental properties

Systems purchased with cash or a loan

Systems financed using a solar lease or PPA

U.S. Taxpayers

Citizens without taxable income

Original installation of equipment

Reinstallation of used equipment

Most Americans qualify for the federal solar tax credit, but some eligibility criteria must be met:

  • You must own the solar panel system: To use the tax credit, you must purchase the solar panels with cash or a loan. You will not get the tax credit if your solar panels are installed through a solar lease or a power purchase agreement (PPA).

  • You must have taxable income: The tax credit reduces your tax liability. If your tax liability is zero, you can’t take advantage of the incentive immediately. You may be able to roll the credit forward if your tax liability increases in the following years.

  • The solar system must be installed at your primary or secondary residence: You must be the person residing on the property to get the Residential Clean Energy credit. Rental properties do not qualify.

  • It must be claimed on the original installation of the equipment: If you remove the panels and put them on another property, you cannot reclaim the tax credit.

Is there an income limit for the Residential Clean Energy credit?

There is no income limit for the Residential Clean Energy credit. You can claim the credit if you have tax liability and the system is eligible!

What costs are eligible for the federal tax credit?

Eligible costs

Ineligible costs


Additional projects (i.e., roof replacements)

Contract labor

Extended warranty coverage costs

Sales tax

Financing costs

Most of the costs associated with installing solar panels are covered by the federal tax credit, including:

However, some costs are not eligible for the tax credit. The tax credit will not cover roof replacements and extended warranty coverage costs. Most notably, financing costs are not included when calculating your tax credit value.

“You can still claim the full cost of the solar panels if you finance instead of purchasing outright. However, financing costs and interest would not be eligible to include, only the cost of the solar panels and installation,” says Kleczynski.

More than just solar panel installations qualify for the 30% Residential Clean Energy Credit. Eligible installations include solar panels, solar shingles, solar water heaters, residential wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, fuel cells, and battery storage!

How to apply for the federal solar tax credit

Applying for the tax credit is easy! You need three things when filing for the tax credit:

  • Tax Form 5695, which you can find on the IRS website

  • The cost of your installation, which you can get from the contract or invoice from your installer

  • How much you owe in taxes, that is listed on Form 1040, line 18

If you’re filing the tax credit yourself, you can download Form 5695 and instructions for filling it out from the IRS website. The instructions are relatively simple, so it won’t be difficult to claim the credit.

When using a tax software program, you’ll likely have to search for Form 5695 in the system, add it to your other tax documents, and input relevant information, like the cost of the system. The software will handle the calculations and what your final tax liability will be.

Filing with a tax preparer is also simple. You’ll need to provide them with the price of your system, and they’ll handle the rest for you.

Does the federal tax credit work with other local or utility solar incentives and rebates?

You can use the federal solar tax credit with any other available solar incentives. However, the incentive type can impact how the solar tax credit is calculated. Let’s take a closer look.

Utility rebates

In most cases, if you’re getting a rebate from your utility company, the value of the utility rebate will be subtracted from your total costs before the federal tax credit is calculated. This reduces the value of your federal tax credit, but you benefit from the additional incentive.

For example, let’s say you install a solar system for $20,000 and get a $1,000 rebate from your utility company. Instead of calculating the tax credit with the initial $20,000 cost, it would be based on the price after subtracting the utility rebate. In this case, that’s $19,000.

You can use the following formula to calculate how much your tax credit will be worth after a utility incentive:

30% x (Total system cost - Utility rebate amount) = Federal tax credit value

State solar tax credits

Some states offer solar tax credits that work similarly to the federal tax credit. The state tax credit will be worth a certain percentage of the solar installation costs and reduce taxpayers' state income tax liability.

A state tax credit won’t impact the value of your federal tax credit. However, claiming a state solar tax credit will change the amount of taxable income you report on your federal taxes.

The following table outlines where state-specific solar tax credits are available:


Tax credit


25% of costs, up to $1,000


35% of costs, up to $5,000


Deduction of 40% of costs in year 1 up to $5,000, 20% in years 2-4


15% of costs, up to $1,000

New York

25% of costs, up to $5,000

South Carolina

25% of costs, max of 50% of tax liability in any given year, roll over unused credit for up to 10 years

Performance-based incentives

Performance-based incentives are paid to solar homeowners based on how much energy their solar system produces. These incentives likely will not change the value of your federal tax credit.

Sometimes, these incentives may be listed as a line item on your electricity bill; other times, you’ll receive a separate payment from your utility company.

Some states have Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), where a solar owner earns a certificate for every 1,000 kWh of solar energy they produce. These can then be sold to utilities or SREC aggregators and earn you extra money.

Sometimes, SRECs can be purchased upfront by the installer. If this is the case, you should consult a tax professional about how that could impact your solar tax credit value.

The best time to claim the solar tax credit is now

You have about ten years to take advantage of the full 30% tax credit. But just because you can wait ten years doesn’t mean you should. It’s almost always a good idea to invest in solar sooner rather than later. Installing solar as soon as possible lets you start saving money earlier, so you can stop paying high electricity bills and start putting your money towards the things that really matter to you.

Not to mention, going solar will never be a better investment than it is right now. Local solar incentives could expire well before the federal tax credit. Take net metering, the incentive that pays you the full price of electricity for the solar energy you send to the grid, for example. Utilities across the country are moving away from net metering and paying solar customers less money for solar electricity.

You’ll want to install solar before things like net metering and utility rebates start to disappear to guarantee that you get the best solar savings possible.

Calculate how much solar will cost after the federal tax credit

Federal solar tax credit FAQ

Everyone’s situation is unique! For specific questions on your tax situation, consult your tax preparer.

2024 Federal Solar Tax Credit Guide | Solar Tax Credit Calculator (2024)


What is the solar investment tax credit for 2024? ›

The credit is currently valued at 30% of your total solar photovoltaic (PV) system cost. The federal solar tax credit is available to any U.S. homeowner, condo owner or cooperative housing corporation member, as long as you own a solar panel system. You cannot claim the credit if you are leasing solar panels.

How to calculate federal solar tax credit? ›

Gross cost of project x 0.30 = tax credit value

However, it's best to speak to your tax advisor about your unique circ*mstances. The credit is a dollar-for-dollar income tax reduction. This means that the credit reduces the amount of tax that you owe.

How does the 30 percent solar tax credit work? ›

The federal solar tax credit, commonly referred to as the investment tax credit or ITC, allows you to claim 30% of the cost of your solar energy system as a credit to your federal tax bill. If it costs $10,000 to install your solar panel system, you'll receive a $3,000 credit, which directly reduces your tax bill.

Why am I not getting my full solar tax credit? ›

In short, you must owe at least as much money in taxes as the amount of your credit in order to receive the full amount of that solar tax credit.

How many years can you claim the federal solar tax credit? ›

The credit has no annual or lifetime dollar limit except for credit limits for fuel cell property. You can claim the annual credit every year that you install eligible property until the credit begins to phase out in 2033.

How does IRS verify solar tax credit? ›

In conclusion, the IRS verifies solar credits through thorough documentation. Homeowners need to keep receipts and manufacturer certifications for their solar technology installation. The verification process may also involve cross-referencing with approved industry standards.

Does the solar tax credit increase my refund? ›

When you purchase solar equipment for your home and have tax liability, you generally can claim a solar tax credit to lower your tax bill. The Residential Clean Energy Credit is non-refundable meaning that it can offset your income tax liability dollar-for-dollar, but any excess credit won't be refunded.

How do you calculate the investment tax credit? ›

To calculate the ITC, you multiply the applicable tax credit percentage by the “tax basis,” or the amount spent on eligible property.

What documents are needed to claim solar tax credit? ›

To claim the solar tax credit, you'll need all the receipts from your solar installation, as well as IRS form 1040 and form 5695 and instructions for both of those forms.

How does the solar tax credit work for dummies? ›

The solar panel tax credit allows filers to take a tax credit equal to up to 30% of eligible costs. There is no income limit to qualify, and you can claim the credit each year you're eligible for it. The credit amount will remain 30% through 2032.

Does a tax credit increase my refund? ›

A credit is an amount you subtract from the tax you owe. This can lower your tax payment or increase your refund. Some credits are refundable — they can give you money back even if you don't owe any tax.

Is the solar tax credit money in your pocket? ›

This federal incentive, while generous, won't come directly in the form of cash in your pocket. Instead, it'll reduce the amount of money you pay in federal taxes. For example, if you installed a $15,000 solar array, you'd qualify for a federal tax credit of $4,500.

What disqualifies you from solar tax credit? ›

You will not get the tax credit if your solar panels are installed through a solar lease or a power purchase agreement (PPA) because you are not the owner of the system.

What is the solar tax incentive for 2024? ›

There will be a solar tax credit of 30% in 2024 throughout at least 2032. Per the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the credit will remain accessible and increase from 22% to 30%. The tax credit is currently set to expire in 2035.

What tax bracket am I in in 2024? ›

Tax brackets 2024 (taxes due April 2025)
Tax rateSingleMarried filing jointly
10%$0 to $11,600$0 to $23,200
12%$11,601 to $47,150$23,201 to $94,300
22%$47,151 to $100,525$94,301 to $201,050
24%$100,526 to $191,950$201,051 to $383,900
3 more rows
May 30, 2024

How does the investment tax credit work? ›

Investment tax credits are basically a federal tax incentive for business investment. They let individuals or businesses deduct a certain percentage of investment costs from their taxes. These credits are in addition to normal allowances for depreciation.

What is the inflation reduction act for solar tax credits? ›

The Inflation Reduction Act modifies and extends the clean energy Investment Tax Credit to provide up to a 30% credit for qualifying investments in wind, solar, energy storage, and other renewable energy projects that meet prevailing wage standards and employ a sufficient proportion of qualified apprentices from ...

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